At the last bee club we were able to extract a little bit of honey (mainly so the kids could participate). The lighter color is the newest batch. Notice the difference will the late summer batch from last year. Different nectar and pollen sources produce different colors (and flavors) of honey.
About a week ago, our bees had a visit from some students from Arbor. They had just finished up a unit on bees and wanted to see the inside of our hives. They got suited up and right to work.
At the end of the visit, we gave Arbor a frame of brood for their observation hive the school has in the library. Right when we pulled the frame we noticed a queen cell. Then one of the students noticed a high pitched buzzing sound. The queen was about to emerge! The students put the frame in to the observation hive and were able to watch their new queen be born (which is very rare)! It was an amazing experience.
Well, its our 3rd season and we are getting bigger once again. All 4 hives from last season survived the winter and are looking good. We have also added 3 more hives to the apiary for Jessica, which is super exciting!